How To Set Goals To Improve Your Golf Game
Feb 11, 2020Shayna Seidner
I like to set three different kinds of goals throughout a year of golf. The first set of goals are the very attainable goals, so for example, play a round of competitive golf with no bogeys. Something that I can really focus on every round that I play. Then I like to go for a little bit of a harder goal to attain. For example, something like getting 10 top 5 finishes throughout the season. This goal helps me stay focused at every tournament that I play in. Lastly, I like to set one very hard to reach goal. For example, win a PGA sanctioned event. This type of goal helps me see down the line and something that if I take each hole and each round seriously is something that I could get to down the line. Having different levels of goals helps you keep each round in perspective but also helps you think of the bigger picture. For anyone at any level it is great to set goals. Goals help you stay focused shot by shot. I always recommend starting with simple goals, something like no 3 putts in a round. So, every time you are over a putt you are very focused on that shot in the moment. Having goals will help anyone improve their golf game. If you are struggling on one part of your game, let’s say chipping, the best way to improve your chipping is to set specific goals with chipping you want to achieve. This will help improve your game and your scores!