How to get better at golf for the average golfer?
For the average golfer, sometimes you find yourself at a plateau with your golf game. You’re practicing here and there, but not seeing the improvements on the course. If you are struggling with the same old habits and having a difficult time lowering your scores, here are five tidbits you can do to improve your golf game.
Practice but with a side note:
The practice seems like the most logical step towards improving your game for the average golfer, yet there is a side note. Practice on the course. It's easy to hit balls on the range in perfect conditions. But by playing the golf course you can practice all types of shots.
Be honest:
Honesty, arguably one of the most important aspects of playing golf. Being truly honest with yourself can actually set you apart quickly from your group of golf friends. Being realistic and honest about where your game currently is and what you're willing to do is most of the battle. Trusting the process and staying grounded will most definitely aid all golfers in improving their games.
Short game, short game, and more short game:
You cannot practice your short game enough. This encompasses pitching, chipping, and putting. Even if you are not hitting the ball well, you can still produce a decent round if you have a good short game. You have a good short game you have still have a decent round.
Be kind to yourself:
Golf is grueling and difficult. At every skill level in golf, every player needs to be kind to themselves. The process is always long and ongoing. Sometimes it seems that there is little to no improvement. During these times, be your best friend on the course and remain positive about your journey.
Set short and long term goals:
An easy way to help yourself is to set goals, both short-term and long-term. Short-term goals could be as simple as getting out to the golf course once a week for a few hours of practice and some long-term goals could be establishing your handicap. With your once-a-week practice, try to lower your handicap little by little and track where you started at the beginning of the year and where you have ended up at the end of the year, with a goal of shaving 5 strokes off your original handicap.
I truly hope these five tidbits find you well and ultimately help you improve your game in the near future.
-Paige Lee
Professional Golfer